How to deal with blocks in language learning

Sari Koivukangas from Finland, Professor at Millennium, MSc and Coordinator of the Conflict Management Postgrad course in English

According to Dr. Norberto Keppe, the creator of Millennium’s therapeutic method, consciousness is an intermediate phenomenon between feeling and intellect, and it depends on both to have its effect. The first — feeling, is the basis of consciousness while the second — intellect, is its manifestation, and together they form a third aspect, which is action (accomplishment). Consciousness is also dialectical, for in realizing your own mistakes, you also acknowledge the greatness of God and the vast universe of goodness, truth and beauty.

For Keppe, awareness of mistakes is the greatest source of scalar energy, of life. Every time a student accepts consciousness, there are profound changes in their psycho-physical structure. This is because unconsciousness creates a block in the student that prevents the entry of scalar energy, and awareness removes the reasons that prevent the energies from functioning correctly. Common examples of unblocking in the classroom are students who begin to recognize their narcissism, which appears when they have to express themselves and discover they’re more concerned with their image than with their message or what’s interesting for others. Others start to see their arrogance when they see how they don’t want to listen to anyone or think they already know everything. Some even perceive their universal envy of all the good in life, which has led them to view the world and their studies in a very negative light. As students become aware of their blockages, all begin to change their existence because it is consciousness that determines the existence of the human being. This, then, is the path to the liberation of humanity.

Keppe’s methodology is fundamentally aimed at helping students tolerate the consciousness of the mistakes they make, which goes hand in hand with a vision of all the good that they didn’t create. Thus, error or pathology is seen as a misrepresentation, alteration or omission of what is correct — a concept from metaphysics: “Evil is the denial of good,” which sees that everything that was created is good in and of itself. Keppe writes in his book, Metaphysics I: Liberation of Being:

Since 1977 I have been working with what I call consciousness

of error, showing that the human being needs to become aware

of what he does wrong in order to do what is right. Having

completed that study in 1992, I went on to demonstrate how man

opposes what is good, genuine and beautiful, including his own

qualities and gifts, which means that he spends all his time debasing

himself. Of course we must continue to look at our errors, but

it is important to see them in the perfect dimension of being, which

makes it possible to compare what is wrong with what is right

as the only way to live within reality.


In any learning process, the important thing is to raise awareness of pathology so that human beings can return to their original good, beautiful and true nature, letting knowledge spring from within. The point is not so much to make the student aware of the error, to talk about their mistakes, but above all to help them let go of their censorship. For example, a student who has missed too many lessons and promises his teacher to improve and study hard next weekend on his way to the beach, is doing nothing more than censoring his perception of how uncommitted he is and how imperfect he is with responsibilities. The teacher with no consciousness and who doesn’t deal with these aspects in him or herself will reinforce the student’s mask and hypocrisy by believing their delusional ideas. On the other hand, the more tolerant teacher, inwardly committed to the truth, will allow the student to become aware of this situation.

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